Michael Jackson Neverland 45th Birthday 2003
Unreleased Michael Jackson
Following the massive surge in sales of Jackson's catalogue following his death, Sony Music Entertainment, spearheaded by its Columbia/Epic Label Group division, signed a new deal with the Jackson estate to extend distribution rights to his back catalogue until 2015, which was later extended to 2017, as well as permission to release ten new projects with previously unreleased material and new collections of released work. Also included was a video game and other projects. The first album was released on December 14, 2010, the final album is to release in December 2017. The deal was unprecedented in the music industry as it is the most expensive music contract to a single artist in history, with Sony Music reportedly paying $250 million for the deal and with the Jackson estate getting the full sum as well as its share of royalties for all works released.
The first and much anticipated album of newly completed recordings from Michael Jackson, entitled Michael, was announced on November 4, and was released on December 10, 2010 and December 14, 2010 in the United States by Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson.
Menyusul lonjakan besar dalam penjualan katalog Jackson setelah kematiannya, Sony Music Entertainment, dipelopori oleh perusahaan Columbia / divisi Label Grup Epic, menandatangani kontrak baru dengan warisan Michael untuk memperpanjang hak distribusi ke katalog punggungnya sampai 2015, yang kemudian diperpanjang hingga 2017, serta izin untuk merilis sepuluh proyek baru dengan materi yang sebelumnya belum pernah dirilis dan koleksi kerja baru dirilis. Juga termasuk adalah video game dan proyek lainnya. Album pertama dirilis pada 14 Desember 2010, album terakhir adalah untuk rilis pada bulan Desember 2017. Kesepakatan itu belum pernah terjadi dalam industri musik karena kontrak musik paling mahal untuk seorang seniman tunggal dalam sejarah, dengan Sony Music dilaporkan membayar $ 250 juta untuk kesepakatan dan dengan real Jackson mendapatkan jumlah penuh serta pangsa royalti untuk semua karya dirilis.
Album pertama dan banyak diantisipasi rekaman baru selesai dari Michael Jackson, berjudul Michael, diumumkan pada 4 November, dan dirilis pada 10 Desember 2010 dan 14 Desember 2010 di Amerika Serikat oleh Epic Records dalam hubungannya dengan Real Michael Jackson.
Sumber / Source : Wikipedia.Org.
The first and much anticipated album of newly completed recordings from Michael Jackson, entitled Michael, was announced on November 4, and was released on December 10, 2010 and December 14, 2010 in the United States by Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson.
Menyusul lonjakan besar dalam penjualan katalog Jackson setelah kematiannya, Sony Music Entertainment, dipelopori oleh perusahaan Columbia / divisi Label Grup Epic, menandatangani kontrak baru dengan warisan Michael untuk memperpanjang hak distribusi ke katalog punggungnya sampai 2015, yang kemudian diperpanjang hingga 2017, serta izin untuk merilis sepuluh proyek baru dengan materi yang sebelumnya belum pernah dirilis dan koleksi kerja baru dirilis. Juga termasuk adalah video game dan proyek lainnya. Album pertama dirilis pada 14 Desember 2010, album terakhir adalah untuk rilis pada bulan Desember 2017. Kesepakatan itu belum pernah terjadi dalam industri musik karena kontrak musik paling mahal untuk seorang seniman tunggal dalam sejarah, dengan Sony Music dilaporkan membayar $ 250 juta untuk kesepakatan dan dengan real Jackson mendapatkan jumlah penuh serta pangsa royalti untuk semua karya dirilis.
Album pertama dan banyak diantisipasi rekaman baru selesai dari Michael Jackson, berjudul Michael, diumumkan pada 4 November, dan dirilis pada 10 Desember 2010 dan 14 Desember 2010 di Amerika Serikat oleh Epic Records dalam hubungannya dengan Real Michael Jackson.
Sumber / Source : Wikipedia.Org.
Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - official trailer launch
Not just another Michael Jackson movie, 'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon' is the creation and brain-child of MJ's friend David Gest, who produced and narrated the documentary with unprecedented access to Michael's inner family, including interviews with his mother, Katherine.
The documentary focuses on stories from the star’s closest friends and family relaying public and private memories and stories from the entertainer’s life including never-before-seen family photos and performance footage. The film also looks at the difficult times during Michael’s life including the moment an arrest warrant was ordered and how the molestation trial impacted all their lives in 2005.
Michael’s mother Katherine says, "Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon is a truly remarkable film that captures the true character, wit and sensitivity of my son. Producer David Gest takes you on an emotional roller coaster that will bring people to tears as well as really understand who the man behind the music was and is."
Take a look at the trailer below:
The documentary will be released on DVD and Blu-ray from 31 October 2011.
Film dokumenter ini akan dirilis di DVD dan Blu-ray pada 31 Oktober 2011.
SUMBER : http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blog/article/245397/michael-jackson-the-life-of-an-iconofficial-trailer-launch.html .
SOURCE :http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blog/article/245397/michael-jackson-the-life-of-an-iconofficial-trailer-launch.html .
The documentary focuses on stories from the star’s closest friends and family relaying public and private memories and stories from the entertainer’s life including never-before-seen family photos and performance footage. The film also looks at the difficult times during Michael’s life including the moment an arrest warrant was ordered and how the molestation trial impacted all their lives in 2005.
Michael’s mother Katherine says, "Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon is a truly remarkable film that captures the true character, wit and sensitivity of my son. Producer David Gest takes you on an emotional roller coaster that will bring people to tears as well as really understand who the man behind the music was and is."
Take a look at the trailer below:
The documentary will be released on DVD and Blu-ray from 31 October 2011.
Film dokumenter ini akan dirilis di DVD dan Blu-ray pada 31 Oktober 2011.
SUMBER : http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blog/article/245397/michael-jackson-the-life-of-an-iconofficial-trailer-launch.html .
SOURCE :http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blog/article/245397/michael-jackson-the-life-of-an-iconofficial-trailer-launch.html .
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Starlight Love
Lagu Thriller Yang Dirilis Tahun 1983 MTV menamakan 14-menit video itu sebagai video musik yang paling hebat sepanjang masa. 'Thriller' merupakan ketujuh dan terakhir dari satu rilis album dengan nama yang sama. Nama asli untuk lagu 'Thriller' adalah 'Starlight Love'. ( Yang Mau Lagu "Starlight Love" Yaitu Disini >>> Michael Jackson_Starlight.mp3

Michael Jackson - This Is It - Movie Premiere
Michael Jackson's 'THIS IS IT' Premiere London.
Navi attends the London Premiere of 'Michael Jackson's This Is It'
Michael Jackson's This Is It - LA Premiere footage
Michael Jackson's This Is It' movie premiere
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT World Premiere announcement in Los Angeles - Part 1 of 2
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT World Premiere announcement in Los Angeles - Part 2 of 2
Navi attends the London Premiere of 'Michael Jackson's This Is It'
Michael Jackson's This Is It - LA Premiere footage
Michael Jackson's This Is It' movie premiere
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT World Premiere announcement in Los Angeles - Part 1 of 2
Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT World Premiere announcement in Los Angeles - Part 2 of 2
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